Faroe Islands...Driving Around the Land

Faroe Islands...Driving Around the Land

We drove around the first island, the island of Vágur . The phenomenal, impressive beauty of this desolate place leaves me speechless. I was left wondering how can this even be real? How can nature create such beauty? There are houses set along the high green cliffs as fog rolls in out of no where. The rain dances in and out in a perfect pattern, just as nature intends. I stop the car a million times, each time photographing a little unique home, shack, old barn or boat. We stopped at the little tide pools, Dylan in love with the concept of being able to find as much life as possible in the little pools of water. Somehow he caught a small ell with his hands. Yes an eel. He was in heaven.

The roads are perfectly smooth. Wonderfully paved. I could drive these desolate roads for hours and hours. Here I feel I really belong.

We booked our ferry ride to Mykines Island. Then driving through the long sub-sea tunnel  we arrive at Streymoy, the largest of the islands. Magical at best. Find out we somehow left our credit card back by the ferry check in for Mykines Island. The guy at our next campsite knew the place and called for us because you know, it's a perk of living in such a small town. Everyone seems to know everyone. So back we drove and back again. I didn't mind. I could drive these roads over and over and over again. And at least we got our card back without even a worry about unexpected charges.

We drove the 'Buttercup' roads as often as possible. Roads that were higher up in the cliffs, most of them paved, a few unpaved. Most of them two lanes, many one lane with enough pull offs in case of an oncoming car.

Yet the views? I don't even know were to start other then saying it's just breathtaking. At the top, I would say the fog was about at 95%. Only I got out of the car, the wind attempting to take me down. The fog remained dense yet at the same time clouds drifted before and past me. I photographed some big beautiful boulders, along with some rock stacks left behind. From there we drove off, down the lane through the fog and through some of the greenest land I've ever seen. It was more then magical and honestly, if unicorns roamed any land of this earth, this would be it.

These lands were worth the trip. This moment was worth all our efforts.

Until next time...

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Rock stack on top of a cliff in the Faroe Islands.  Fine Art Photography. Kristen Olivares

Rock Stack Among the Fog

Chilly, windy beyond belief and a fog that drifted though from dense to denser to even denser in seconds it seemed. This rock stack was at the top of a cliff along the 'Buttercup' roads of the Faroe Islands. Far out...a speck in the Great Atlantic. Yet no matter how small, my heart still remains there.

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